September 16, 2015

Welcome back to WNJR Radio!

Welcome back to all of WNJR's new and seasoned hosts, audiences, and staff! We hope that you all have had an awesome and fun filled summer. The staff here at WNJR are very happy to be back in the studio. This year will be jam packed with new and returning radio shows, some with twists and turns and we hope that you guys are just excited as we are. So before the year starts getting back into its old routine there have been new staff positions and different people filling them this year and we would love for you to meet them! So to visit the About WNJR page. This not only lets you know who we are but if you click on our names you can email us with whatever questions, comments, or event information that you would like for us to advertise or be apart of! Thank you and hope that you all enjoy the rest of this beautiful day.